I made it BACK to Sisters!

So, if you can stand more nonsense about my vacation, here are some pictures specifically from last Saturday, July 14. As part of our Pacific NW vacation I dragged my DH and Teen to Sisters, Oregon for the day to attend their annual outdoor show. I got to be there four years ago and had a wonderful time. I couldn't wait to get back and it was a treat to be able to do so. One day when I'm retired, I'm going out for the whole week (there are classes and lectures and other events prior to the day of the show).

Lately I've become fascinated by what is being called the modern quilt movement. There's a wonderful definition of modern quilting here. The quilts here seem to me to meet the definition of modern quilting and are among my favorites of what I saw. I absolutely fell in love with these pineapples below. My picture doesn't do this quilt justice.

Both of these appear rather straightforward in construction so what shines is the use of color and shading. 

One of the things that defines modern quilts is the use of negative space. I like the way the gray is used to cause your eye to move across this quilt.

OK, this one probably isn't considered "modern" but I thought it was so pretty in the way brown and green were used.

Finally, there it is. My own Quilt of Many Squares is the 2nd one from the right. I was making a modern quilt and at the time didn't even realize! What a thrill to see my own quilt hanging in Sisters.


  1. Oh how lovely! I'm so glad you got to visit Sisters again. Those quilts are so artistic. I really like them all. And look at YOUR quilt hanging at the front of the building. Wow what an honor. But I am not surprised.. your quilting is incredible. You are so talented. :)

    1. It was a thrill, I do admit. And so inspiring. I couldn't wait to get home to start sewing again.


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