To a quilter, a UFO is not an Unidentified Flying Object, but an UnFinished Object. Many of us suffer from an excess of enthusiasm for the next project. Actually, it's probably really ADD, but no one wants to admit it. I know I am not the only quilter who flits from project to project, eventually finishing some of them, but not always all of them. And my guild is proving it.

We're having a guild challenge this year to finish our UFOs. We had to list them and turn the list in during our November meeting. We have until November of this year to finish as many projects on the list as we can. Each time we finish a project from our lists we are entered to win cool prizes. Frankly, what a great idea. I am very motivated to work on what I already have rather than go and spend money for yet another project to start. My goal is also to post my progress here. A monthly UFO Day, just like TBR Day.

But first, you have to know just how bad it is. I knew it was bad, but I had no idea it was this bad. And I only listed things that I thought I could reasonably finish this year. As I pulled things out to list and photograph, there were many more kits and projects I left on the shelf.

First up is a picture of the shelves where my works-in-progress are stored:

There are kits, tops that need to be quilted, fabric assembled ready for cutting, and works in some stage in-between. I pulled out some projects on my list and laid them out on the floor:

This is all of the stuff I'm working on my hand. In the hoop is a 4-block sampler. The blue thing is a snowflake applique. And then there are some flower blocks for a 9-block sampler. Some blocks are by machine, others by hand.

These are tops waiting to be sandwiched and quilted. Three will be done by machine, 1 (the small pink one at the top) by hand.

These are all kits or patterns with the fabric already puchased and ready to go. I think there are 13 of them up there.

I have fabric set aside for 5 purses. One is already cut out and ready to assemble.

A top partially quilted.

Another top partially quilted and in the machine. I'll finish it by Sunday. Yea!

A top waiting to be quilted. I LOVE this quilt. I am very proud of it and scared to death to start in on it. I know exactly how I want to quilt it, but it will be slow-going and painstaking. I think I have to be in the right mood to start it.

Flower pots waiting to be assembled into a top. I think I'm going to get that started, if not finished by Sunday.

These squares and strips were cut and assembled by my mother-in-law who passed away before she got to start sewing them together. The fabrics are gorgeous and I think this will be stunning when it's assembled.

This is a fun, funky top from a class last summer. I've actually added 2 more flowers to this since I took the picture last week. The top is almost done and may also be finished by Sunday. Below is my work table where all the stuff I'm using for this project has been sitting since June:

How am I going to get so much done by Sunday? Well, the guys are going camping, woo-hoo!!


  1. These are lovely. Good luck with your quilting weekend. You make me want to take up my own neglected quilt top, but I had to tidy it away just this morning so my MIL can come in stay in my study/craft room. Oh well.

  2. Thanks, Kerry! I hope you get to work on your quilt again soon.

  3. How wonderful that you're doing a UFO Challenge as well as the TBR Challenge! I'm thinking that one of your earlier statements in this post rings true for many who are passionate about their hobbies:

    Many of us suffer from an excess of enthusiasm for the next project.

    This is why we have mountainous TBR piles. And why I have many cross stitch projects and supplies that have never been completed. Not to mention beading supplies and crocheting supplies, the latter of which I don't even know how to do! .... Yet. LOL!

    I agree with Kerry... all of your quilting projects are lovely. I think it's very sweet that you have your MIL's quilt fabric. Won't that be a wonderful tribute to her when you've finished that piece.

    Good luck, Phyl! :)

  4. Thanks, Christine. I never thought of my TBR pile in the same terms as my UFO pile, but I think you're right. They're really very similar.

    And yes, I'm very anxious to do my MIL's quilt. It will be a great reminder of her. She was a lovely lady.

    P. 127!! But I only read over lunch today. I've been sewing non-stop since I got my chores done.


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