Aren't I lucky in my friends?

So I was at quilt club Thursday night and A. hands me a little package. Inside is this gorgeous book cover. I had to put it to use right away! Thank you, A. I love it! The heart is perfect for all my romance books. Hmm. Does the purple refer to purple prose?????

Of course, here's a peak at what's inside:

I'd rather be reading it than blogging. It's quite good and I'm enjoying this immensely. It's so well written that no doubt I'll be watching for more by this author. I may even get ambitious and review it! A. & T., you guys need to read this one, too.

Lots of football this weekend. I love the playoffs! It means I'll do lots of sewing, especially with snow moving into the area. Double the reason to stay home. I did finish something recently. It's about the only sewing I've done since before Thanksgiving. I just free-motion quilted the images in this souvenir panel I brought home from Sisters last July.


  1. I LOVE that quilted book cover! Where can I get some in different sizes for the different size books I read - any ideas?

  2. I'm pretty sure that my friend made it from a pattern found here.

  3. Oh and I hit post comment too soon. According to the pattern website, the pattern can be adapted to other, larger books. Enjoy!

  4. What a beautiful gift! And so perfect for you! :)

    Your quilt turned out beautiful, too. Are you going to hang it somewhere in your house?

    We don't watch football in my house, so I'm usually completely oblivious as to which teams make it into the superbowl until the winning team is all over the news the day after. LOL!

    Happy Reading! :)

  5. Thanks, Christine! Yes, I hung the quilt in my sewing room.
    And my Eagles are still in the hunt, so I'm pretty keyed up!!

  6. Go Eagles! (Philadelphia, right? LOL)

  7. Yep. Phyl -- Philly -- Phillies. I'm lucky in my name!!


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