Long time no see!

Hello Friends! So apparently it's been nearly a year since I posted anything here. To the 2 or 3 of you who check in here once in a while, I'm sorry. I decided to quit participating in the TBR Challenge, at least as a contributor. I do still like to see what everyone else is reading and I've found some excellent reads as a result. But lately my energies have been focused on my quilts. 2018 has been a productive quilting year, and here are some things I have finished to date.

1. This is a mini quilt made up of a couple hundred tiny 60-degree triangles. I don't know what possessed me to choose this pattern. It drove me nuts. But I do like it. I made it for an Instagram swap. You can see more of these quilts on IG if you search #bwqs2018.

2. I wanted a new throw pillow for my bed. Something for me!

3. I was commissioned to make a baby quilt for a friend's sister-in-law. I quilted it with glow-in-the dark thread. It is so cool, if I do say so myself. I free-motion quilted stars, moons, and galaxies (the spirals).

4. Dear friends celebrated their 40th wedding anniversary this summer. He's a Phillies fan (yay!); she's a Pirates fan (boo!).

5. A nephew on my husband's side got married. This is one of my late mother-in-law's unfinished projects that I finished for them.

6. Baby quilt for my godson's first child. His wife wanted something "very pink."

7. Anyone remember when stenciling everything in sight was all the rage? I've had this stenciled pineapple for nearly 30 years. I finally sewed on some borders, hand quilted around the pineapple, and it's done.

8. Another IG swap. This one was "plus quilts." #plusquiltswap2018.

9. These are little paper-pieced fall leaves that I put together into a small hanging. I gave it to a co-worker as a wedding gift.

There are a few more in the works. Hopefully I'll post pictures of those before another year goes by. Thanks for reading!


  1. Dear Phyl, I hope you are alright! The quilts are lovely, especially the glow-in-the-dark one!! ;)
    I also hope you can find the eagerness to write book reviews again... your choices always made me want to read the majority of the books you posted reviews about...happy reading!

  2. PHYL! I hear you on the blogging front. I seem to be slogging through a lot "meh" right now and it's hard to get up the energy to do full blog posts on such reads. At least my GoodReads account is current - I guess that's something? The quilts, as always, are beautiful. I think your new throw pillow might be my favorite!

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  4. I love seeing all your beautiful quilts!


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