One Week to Go!

"My" book is released a week from today. Are you ready? I'm so anxious to read it I can hardly stand it. I'm supposed to get a copy signed by all 4 authors. With one living in Australia, another in Canada, and the other two in different parts of the U.S., well, it could take awhile. I've pre-ordered a copy for my Kindle. Meanwhile, I've had to content myself with some excerpts.

Mary's is here.

Candice has one here.

No other excerpts that I could find. I'll just have to wait and contain my jealousy over the fact that Wendy's library got a copy and she's seen it.


  1. That is so exciting. Can't wait to see it!

  2. Well this will kill you - it's currently sitting on my desk like a lump. My employer is pretty militant about adhereing to laydown here it sits.

  3. Thanks, Lori!

    And Wendy, at least I know it has a good, if temporary, home.

  4. Are we anxious?!! LOL! One more week, Phyl!

    I've pre-ordered the print book instead of the Kindle edition, so I'll have to wait 2 days after the release date to read it (shipping and all that). I collect Balogh books in print -- even the anthologies -- soooo... I'll have to wait longer for mine. :(

  5. Janet W: I ordered mine too. Quick question: are your links working ... the Mary one didn't click for me. Are you reading the Hunter series ... I can't wait for the Diamond one, the 4th of the quartet.

  6. Hi Janet, Yes, Mary's link worked for me just now. Sorry, I'm not sure why it wouldn't for you. And, Yes!! I am reading the Hunter series. Two of the three so far were "phaves." (Click on the Hunter link in my tag cloud in the sidebar.) So many good books coming up. Besides the anthology on Tuesday, Karen Ranney has a new one that I also pre-ordered. I wish I could take a vacation day on Tuesday :-)


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