Wildcard Weekend, or Quilting Makes the Quilt

I'm not sure why exactly, but it turns out I get quite productive late in the football season. I turn on the games, warm up my machine and get to work. I don't really watch the games; I listen, even though I really do care which team wins or loses. I look up if something exciting happens, otherwise I keep my eyes focused on my sewing and my ears tuned to the TV. So this weekend we had approximately 14 hours of NFL playoff games (and I do NOT want to discuss any of the outcomes. I'm quite disgusted). I had this project from one of my QBFF challenges that I've been very anxious to finish. I love how bold and colorful it turned out. It would look nice in my office at work.
This quilt is approximately 42 x 42 inches. I quilted it fairly densely. All-in-all, I'd estimate I spent 9-11 hours quilting it. The sprial/starburst quilting design inside each star is from the book Thread Work Unraveled by Sarah Ann Smith. Nice book.
So here is the quilt in my machine on Saturday during the Jets/Bungles game.

This next picture shows the completed quilt--well, almost completed. I have to bind and label it. I'm not sure how well you can see the quilting. The lighting's not too good for this picture.

Here's a close-up of the quilting. I like how the inner border turned out. I saw that motif on a quilt in a quilt shop and I have this very pretty varigated green thread. I turned out pretty well if I do say so myself.


  1. It looks amazing. I love the vivid colors and modern prints. And variegated green thread sounds really really cool!

  2. Thanks, Christine! I really need a picture under better lighting conditions! Then you could see that green thread :-)

  3. I'm in awe.
    What an absolutely beautiful work of art. Phyl, do you have a quilt "portfolio"? I'd love to see other quilts you've done.


  4. Thank you Karen! You're very kind and I appreciate the interest. Sadly, no I don't have an online gallery of my quilts. But you've got me thinking about creating one. I'll have to read the blogspot help pages and figure out how to add something here to do that.


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