Conference Championship Sunday--More Strips

Since I had to spend Saturday attending an all-day meeting, some important household chores were left until Sunday. Which left less time for sewing. Not to mention, the games were close and worth keeping an eye on. That also meant less sewing. Congrats to the Saints and the Colts. Should be a fun Super Bowl and I'm looking forward to it. I'll be hand sewing during the Super Bowl so I can keep a closer eye on the action. But if I watch all the commercials, I won't make much progress.

Meanwhile, during this last week I started working with those sets of strips for the Quilts of Valor project. The strips were in groups of two and I began joining those groups of two together.

I sewed them into strata of 10 strips each and I wound up with a stack of close to a dozen of these strata. The strata are about 40 in. long and anywhere from 20-30 in. wide. They'll get cut into 6.5 in. segments and sewn into one very, very long strip set that is to measure 10.5 YARDS. I've been told by the organizer I should get at least 3 strip sets (or 31.5 YARDS). I can't wait to figure out how to photograph that!

And then during the week I remembered that I had at least two fat quarter bundles of patriotic fabric that I could contribute to the cause and thus lessen the size of my stash (which is a tad out of control). So during the second game I cut a bunch of fabrics into more strips and began sewing those. Now I have enough to create more strata during the upcoming week.

But I also held back 6 fabrics. 3 blue and 3 red. I think I'll make a small throw from those. And that'll be my donation to Brenda Novak's 2010 auction for diabetes. I don't have time to do something as elaborate as last year's contribution and perhaps bidders will consider a small lap quilt appealing. We'll see! Meanwhile, check out the auction site. I can't believe how much stuff is already listed.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. This one looks great, Phyl! I love that you have so many theme appropriate fabrics on hand at all times. So prepared to start a new project on a moment's notice.

    I also love that the tv remote was on the quilting table. Multitasking, eh? LOL! ;)

    Be sure to give me a heads up again when your quilt goes up for action. I'll link it on my blog! :)

  3. Thanks, Christine. We'll be turning all these strips into the Quilts of Valor on Saturday. I'm looking forward to seeing how they turn out. And thanks, too, for the linkage offer! I'll be sure to update you.


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