I'm seeing stars

I should be working on UFOs. Instead I started a new project recently and made some pretty decent progress today. These are HARD. Irregular angles and bias edges made it hard to piece these accurately. I ripped out numerous seams until I got the hang of how to place the edges together.

I drew a star on an 8" block of freezer paper and cut it apart.

I ironed the freezer paper templates onto two 12" blocks of fabric (stacked together right sides up).

I cut out the star block adding 1/4" seam allowances.

I sewed the blocks together.

Credit where credit is due: This pattern is from the July/Aug. 2007 issue of Fons & Porter Quilting.

I can't show you all the blocks because 1) they aren't done yet, and 2) this is part of the latest challenge my QBFFs & I are doing and they aren't allowed to see it yet. Sometimes they read this blog.


  1. Very cool! Hey, did you design a new header for your blog? I really love it!!!! =)

  2. Thank you again!

    And thank you for noticing my new header! I'm rather proud of myself for finally doing something!! It's a cropped picture of my fabric stash. I need to photoshop it so I can get my blog title back in there.

  3. Hi Phyl,
    I love these stars! I stumbled upon your blog somehow (maybe from a comment you made on Beth's blog) and I'm so glad because I'm really enjoying seeing all of your quilts! Oh the things I didn't know about my own sister-in-law...Lover of romance novels...blogger...who knew?! I'm reading a book called The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society and I'm really enjoying it.

  4. Hey Diana! The price way pay for being so many miles apart, huh? Glad you like the blog. It's a fun little diversion :-)
    I hadn't heard of the book you're reading, but it does look interesting. There's quite a long reserve list for it at the library, so it must be popular!


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