Phyl's 5 Phaves from February

February was not only a productive sewing month, it was also a good reading month. And so far, March hasn't been too bad either! Finally, here are my Phaves:

5. Instant Attraction by Jill Shalvis. Told with lots of humor and genuine emotion, we have the story of Katie who craves adventure and Cameron who has had so much adventure he's burned out. This book has some great secondary characters as well and left me eager for the next book in the series. I should add that I'm a regular reader of Jill's blog and this book, set in the Sierra's in the middle of winter seemed to have many elements of the area Jill describes every day. I enjoyed the connection between the two.

4. A Rose at Midnight by Anne Stuart. This was my TBR Challenge book for February. I thought this was just a marvelously constructed book and it stuck with me for days afterwards.

3. Scandal by Carolyn Jewel. Another book I reviewed and one that has been well received around the 'net. This, too, was well written and emotional. I loved the backdrop of Napolean's final 100 days--as the showdown nears between France and the rest of the world, so does the showdown between Banallt and Sophie. Terrific book.

2. Hot Night by Shannon McKenna. I'm working my way through SM's backlist and found this while browsing at the library. Abby and Zan are caught in the middle as a manipulative sadist attempts to rob the museum where Abby works. Zan comes across at first as an under-achiever, but he's a very smart man who has pulled his life together despite some unfair set-backs. This is a tightly written suspense novel that moves quickly. I had it with me on the retreat and took several treadmill breaks so I could read it. Zan had some brothers who could use books, but SM seems to be focused on the McCloud brothers, which is just peachy by me.

1. First Comes Marriage by Mary Balogh. This is the first new book by MB since A Summer to Remember was published in 2002 that doesn't have a Bedwyn in it. Not that I minded the Bedwyn's all that much, but frankly, it was nice to read some new characters. I loved this marriage of convenience story that gently tells the story of Elliott & Vanessa falling in love. It was my discovery of Mary Balogh that drew me into reading romance and I celebrate still every time a new book of hers is released. The next 3 months means there will be much to celebrate!


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