Thursday Thirteen. My 13 Favorite reads of 2007.

I am preparing to vote for my favorite 2007 books in the annual AAR poll. I'm looking right now at everything I read in 2007. Naturally there's quite a bit published prior to 2007 that isn't eligible for the poll. But I can include them in MY list. Here they are in alphabetical order by author's last name:

1. A Man in a Million / Jessica Bird. 2007
Stylistically you can recognize JR Ward, but it's a category and well done with that economy of words required in this type of book.

2. Claiming the Courtesan / Anna Campbell. 2007
Controversial. But it worked for me. It was not an easy book to read. But every word was significant and it was worth it.

3. Lord of Scoundrels / Loretta Chase. 1994
A re-read. And still as wonderful as it was the first time around.

4. If His Kiss is Wicked / Jo Goodman. 2007
Ms. Goodman is one of the most overlooked authors in romance today.

5. The Outlaw and the Lady / Lorraine Heath. 2001
Everyone is right--Ms. Heath needs to go back to writing westerns!

6. The Rules of Seduction / Madeline Hunter. 2006
Rich and emotionally satisfying.

7. Bad Girl / Michele Jaffe. 2003
Like a really intense episode of CSI. A little on the gruesome side, but a terrific page-turner.

8. Beau Crusoe / Carla Kelly. 2007
She's back, she's back!! More, more!! With her very unique style she gave us a most unusual and compelling hero.

9. Behind Closed Doors / Shannon McKenna. 2002
I discovered this author in 2007 and read her back list. This was my favorite. She writes some tight (and hot!) suspense.

10. Blue Smoke / Nora Roberts. 2005
I read this when the NR movies were on Lifetime last year. Just outstanding from every angle.

11. Castle of the Wolf / Sandra Schwab. 2007
Unusual setting, interesting characters with just a tiny touch of the paranormal. Wonderful.

12. Ice Blue / Anne Stuart. 2007
I love this whole series. Can't wait for the next one.

13. Warlord / Elizabeth Vaughan. 2007
The conclusion to a remarkably well-crafted trilogy.


  1. Phyl, thank you so much for including CASTLE OF THE WOLF. I feel really honoured!

    Best wishes from Germany,

  2. Haven't read #1 or #2 yet though I have them.
    Yes to #3
    Yes indeed she is to #4
    With you 100% on #5
    #'s 6,7 & 8 haven't read yet
    # 9 - my fave too.
    I liked #10 but not as much as you - give me JD Robb instead
    #11 still in TBR pile
    #12 - haven't got that far in the series yet and same for #13

  3. Hi, I've enjoyed looking at all your lovely quilts. I'm a cross-stitcher and I can appreciate the time, effort and creativity that went into these pieces.

    I've tagged you for a meme - to list six unimportant things about you. I hope you'll join us in this little bit of fun. :)


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