Just stuff

Looking at the list to the right, I've read a lot of books this month, but I guess none had so much of an impact that I wanted to take the time to write about them. I have some interesting reads coming up; maybe those will prompt me to post another review. I have JR Ward's Lover Unbound that I got from the library and will have to read in the next week before it's due. Given some of the lukewarm to nasty reviews it received I can't say I'm anxious to get started. But I have liked the previous books in the series, so I hope my reaction isn't the same as others'. It's a thick sucker, too--just over 500 pages! If I'm going to devote that much time it had better be worth it. Anna Campbell's sophomore effort is due Tuesday. I pre-bought it from Fictionwise, so I assume I can download it at midnight tomorrow. Untouched sounds interesting and I'll probably interrupt LU to read that as soon as I've got it loaded into my PDA.

I've had that picture of "Think Spring" off to the right forever. Believe it or not, I am actually working on it. Since I'm making 4 of them simultaneously, it's slow going. Plus, given my short attention span, I do work on other stuff. And I want to start a table runner as a shower gift for a friend from church.

Anyhow, that's what's going on. With Thanksgiving over, I'm using my Christmas purse. And at work tomorrow I'll light my Christmas lights! I do like this time of year.


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